Managing Interviews Using Enso
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First, click on the blue Interviews button in the top menu (as shown in the image below). You’ll see an interview administration page that looks something like this:
From this page, you will be able to accomplish the following tasks, in three categories:
The next sections walk through the components of this page first, then steps for each task in each category.
Each row on this page is a separate survey that you have the ability to administer. Currently, you will only see GATE Baseline. Eventually there will be follow-up surveys as well.
For each survey, you’ll see the following tools/buttons on the right hand side:
The “Remove Survey” button (shown below) will remove the survey from the tablet and you won’t be able to administer interviews. If you remove the surveys from the tablet, the interview page will look like the screen below:
Restore Survey
Helpful Tip
Helpful Tip
You must be connected to wifi or data in order to use the restore survey feature. It will not work if you are not connected to the server via wifi. Be sure to not accidentally remove the survey when you’re out in the field away from wifi!
This button does exactly what it says; it takes you to the first page of the survey. Use this every time you want to start a new survey.
On the left side of the screen, under each survey name you’ll see the subtitle “Interviews on this device” with a button that reads “Show interviews” and a subtitle “Interviews on server (xx)” with a button that reads “Show xx interviews.” See below:
(xx = the TOTAL number of interviews stored on the server for this survey)
Next, let’s see how to view the list of interviews on the device and on the server.
In this example, we are looking at the interviews conducted using the SNAD Study Partner BL survey on this particular tablet. To do this, we clicked Show interviews under the “Interviews on this device” subtitle.
First, you’ll see that now the Show interviews button is greyed out and says Hide interviews. If you no longer want to see the list of interviews, you can click this to hide them and clean up your screen view.
You’ll see 6 columns below: ID, Respondent, Interviewer, Upload All Interviews, Remove From Device, and Continue. Each column is detailed below.
In this example, we are looking at ALL of the interviews conducted using the GATE Baseline survey. To do this, we clicked Show interviews under the “Interviews on server” subtitle.
First, you’ll see that now the Show interviews button is greyed out and says Hide XX interviews. If you no longer want to see the list of interviews, you can click this to hide them and clean up your screen view.
You’ll see 4 columns below: ID, Respondent, Created On, and Import Interview.
You’ll start every new interview from the Interviews page. To do so:
Click the blue Begin Interview button in the row for that survey.
New respondents
Existing respondents
You can continue an interview that has been interrupted. To do so:
Click the blue Show interviews button in the row for that survey, as seen in this example:
If you DO NOT SEE the respondent in that list, go to Step 7.
If you don’t see your respondent ID in the list of “Interviews on this device,” then click on the blue “Interviews on server”
Click on the yellow Import Interview button for that respondent (e.g., respondent bentest2, below).
Helpful Tip
Helpful Tip
- If you have any trouble with network members not appearing where they should in questions, you may need to go back to the beginning and simply click “next page” SLOWLY until you reach the part of the survey you have not yet completed.
- Moving slowly through the pages is important.
IF you accidentally start a NEW interview instead of continuing an old interview:
Important Note
Important Note
All of these steps need to be conducted with a wifi connection!!
To check to see what data need to be uploaded:
Interviews that you have conducted but have not yet been uploaded will show the beige “Not uploaded” alert, as in the screenshot below:
To upload these interviews:
Click on the Show XX Interviews button under “Interviews on server (XX).” You should now see all of the interviews there, and none under “Interviews on this device” (see example below).
As mentioned above, all interview data are deleted from the device when you click “Upload All Interviews.” This is the primary way you will delete data from the device, and you should do this weekly or so, just to free up space on the device.
However, if you have an interview on the device that you want to delete without uploading any others, you can do so.
For example, see the image below. Perhaps you are through with “hrtest” and “xxx2” interviews, but you want to keep “katetest999” on the device because you have to continue the interview. All three are already saved to the server, which we know because it says “Saved to Server” in each row, although they do not show in the “Interviews on server list” because they are currently on the device.
Click on the red Remove From Device button next to “hrtest” and “xxx2.”
Check the “Interviews on server” list (below). You’ll now see “hrtest” returned to its position as ID 12, and “xxx2” returned to its position as ID 45. The “katetest999” interview is still on the server for your use.
Don’t worry about accidentally deleting an interview that has not been uploaded. Here’s what you’ll see if you try to:
Just click Close and go back about your business! It’s hard to delete data.
You should only need to install a survey once, but when we update the Enso app or a survey for any reason, you will likely need to install or reload the surveys. We will update the survey after today’s training, so you’ll have to do this!
You can see the list of installed surveys by clicking “Installed Surveys” at the top of the Interviews page.
Click “Install and Begin Interview” if you are ready to conduct an interview.
In Enso, you can conduct follow-up interviews that include data from the previous interview. There are a few steps to make this work properly.
Enso saves data to the respondent. To carry networks forward from one survey to another, we MUST ensure that the respondent is installed on the device.
For respondents who have had all of their network data collected in Enso, you simply have to:
For respondents who have NEVER HAD their network data collected in Enso, you will have to:
Important Note
Important Note
Installing surveys and respondents requires a data/wifi connection!!!
Go to the top of the Interviews page and click on Respondents (see below).
You’ll see a pop-up list like the one below. This list has columns for Name, Alter Count, Alter Groups, and whether the respondent is installed on the device.
You only need to worry about Name and the column for Install Respondent.
The final column will say “Installed”/”Re-install” if the respondent is already installed on the device, and “Install Respondent” if the respondent is NOT on the device.
You should be ready to go!
Enso saves data in three files:
Alter ties – a row for each alter pair, with columns as variables of values for alter ties.
To download data: